
Did Logan Paul Gain Popularity After

Uploading A Video of a Dead Body

Logan Paul, Actor and youtube sensation, began his career on youtube in 2016 and quickly grew to one of the most popular youtubers on the website. In late December 2018 he uploaded a contraversial video showing a suicide victim in Japanese suicide forest.


Source 1.

Summary: This article talks about all the criticism Lagan faced after uploading the video and it questions wether logan uploaded the video to get more views. The article also features famous people such as Aaron Paul- not related to Logan Paul- calling out Logan as a horrible person who jokes about suicide.

Source 2.

Summary: This article by Buisness Insider talks about the decrease in popularity of Logan Pauls youtube channel. They analyze Logans youtube anilitics ans they found that there has been a 47% dropoff in views, and an 88% slowdown in subscribers since uploading the video.

Source 3.

Summary: This article by Tech Times writes that immediately after uploading the video Logan Paul gained 80,000 new subscribers. This article also freatures other youtubers voicing their opinions on this topic. One youtuber from Japan said that Logan Paul's actions were unacceptable. Another very popular youtuber said that all this controversy does not hurt his popularity.

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